Friday, December 16, 2011

MyFirstApp Review

Touch-pad devices have definitely changed the way we work, play, listen to music or watch the movies, the way we learn and respectively, the way we teach… MyFirstApp is a group of three developers aiming to bring wonderful educational games to young kids through the use of touch-pad devices. On top of sharing the same goal, what else unites a computer engineer, an educational psychologist and a graphic designer? The fact that they are all parents of children aged 1-7. So they do actually know what kids really need for learning.

Believing that the recent touch-pad revolution opens new horizons for young kids and enables them to acquire new cognitive and fine motor skills while playing with high quality, colorful and exciting games, MyFirstApp team takes a lot of care emphasizing on the educational and the developmental content for the kids, creating high quality educational games for children.

You can find 15 games designed by MyFirstApp on their website, and even more are to come! The games are arranged according to different age categories, so it is made quite easy for you to choose the right one for your child. MyFirstApp games target children with the age ranging from 1.5 to 6 years. The games are focused on developing different skills, such as memory, matching, visual perception, categorization, conceptualization, generalization, abstraction, perseverance, diligence, accuracy, concentration, spatial orientation, classification and basic motions.

At the first glance intuitive games do work on foundational skills that are necessary for success. These interactive, great imaginative apps will be loved even by the most special-need kid. Easy for children to use on their own with clear directions, the games by MyFirstApp are well done and well designed, yet simple and engaging. 

All 15 apps by MyFirstApp can be found in Apple App Store under Education category. All of the apps are compatible with iPad and require iOS 3.2 or later. Note that all the apps are rated 4+, so it is not only we, who think that MyFirstApp really changes the way kids learn…

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