Wednesday, March 9, 2011

iPhone 5 coming in July ?!

The world expects iPhone 5 for the end of June or beginning of July as it was for the earlier versions. Analysts expect its features to bear some similitude to the iPad 2.  Steve Jobs stated that white would be available “on day one” referring to the iPad 2. That may perhaps be true of the white iPhone 5 as well. Some hints of the iPhone 5's features have begun to emerge, such as The Taiwan-based Economic Daily News (written in Chinese) and the Japanese blog Makotakara. These two are a whine with the latest news all related to iPhone5 launch details.

According to different sources, the essence of the talk is that Apple will desert the glass back for an aluminum one, as well as trench the external antenna, which has been a source of problems for Apple in case of iPhone4 and forced the company to launch free 'bumper' guards to prevent signal loss when the iPhone 4 was grasped very tightly.

The Chinese source claims, that the iPhone 5 production is to commence on July 6. The report suggests Apple will drop the infamously challenging steel outer frame with antenna of the iPhone 4, and have an iPad-style internal antenna sending and receiving cellular and Wi-Fi signals through the Apple logo on the back. Also it’s also pointed out that iPhone 5 will feature the A5 processor chip found in the iPad 2 along with new iOS5 operating system.

If you have any news about the topic, please feel free to voice up!!!

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