Tuesday, March 8, 2011

10 Tilt-Shift iPhone Photos!

Tilt-shift has been around in analog photography for years, but a crop of iPhone apps that simulate the effect has led to some great iPhotography experiments. I am sure you are all familiar with classic tilt-shift photos that make cityscapes look like toy towns with “fake miniature” people and vehicles.

While surfing the net, I found some amazing photos that make use of the shallow depth of field to great effect and are iPhone made!

So, take a look and enjoy!

Delaware & Paulinskill by Robert Yaskovic

Fly fisherman Robert Yaskovic mixes black and white and color in this effective diptych.

Catzilla by Sherry Chen

The tilt-shift effect helps make "Catzilla" look even more otherworldly in Sherry Chen's fun photo.

Not a Train by !Phone

Captured at the Durango & Silverton narrow gauge railway, this photo looks like it could have been a snap of a toy train set.

Up or Down by Sascha Unger
Up or Down by Sascha Unger

This picture was taken at the "Kunsthaus Tacheles," a former department store in Berlin. Perspective and a narrow band of focus combine to create an arresting shot.

The Diver by Max Berkowitz

Max Berkowitz can congratulate himself on superb timing, grabbing this shot at the perfect moment. The tilt-shift adds a summery haze to the image.

Ready to Seat by Scott Williams

A little cross-processing and some tilt-shift wizardry turn an everyday, ordinary setting into an extraordinary image.

Stoneridge Mall by Stephen Hollingsworth

The Stoneridge Mall in Pleasanton, California is here transformed by tilt-shift.

Anticipation by Max Berkowitz

Max Berkowitz has focussed on the boy's face for a striking picture that captures a split second in time.

This is not all.. If you enjoyed viewing the iPhone made Tilt-Shiftphotos, you can find more here.

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