Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Google Translate for iPhone hits the App Store!

Last month Google came out with some new synthesized voices for Google Translate, and now the Google Mobile Blog has announced the availability of an iOS version of Google Translate, complete with voice-to-text data entry and synthesized speech. There's support for 15 languages via voice entry, but you can listen to the translation of 23 languages via those synthesized voices. Tapping a zoom icon makes the translated text bigger, handy when you want to just point and ask "where is the bathroom?" in Spanish (or dozens of other languages).
iPhone users have been able to use a mobile-optimized HTML5 version of Google Translate for some time now, but they can now finally also get an honest-to-goodness app of their own just like their Android-using friends. That brings with it a number of enhancements over the basic web app, including a speak-to-translate feature with support for 15 languages, the ability to listen to your translations in 23 different languages, and a full-screen mode that lets you show your translated text to others with large, easy-to-read text. Google is still keep a few features exclusive to the Android version, however, including the still-experimental conversation mode that allows for some on-the-fly translations-both apps are also still lacking a much-needed beatbox mode.

Of course, the web app has been around for a while, but you couldn't do the voice or speech actions. The dedicated app is free, and I've found Translate to be quite good at what it does.

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