Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Join all your friend through Meebo

Finally Meebo has been released for iPhone users what means that you'll be able to join all your friends across the different chatting apps and contact them easily via this one common application on your. The app will allow you to use for chatting AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Google Talk, MySpace IM, ICQ, Jabber, Facebook, and other chat services, delivering new messages via push notifications.

The app itself contains three main areas: buddies, chat and account. Buddeis show you a list of your contacts. Chats area keeps track of who you are keeping chat with and Accounts allow you to set and change status messages and toggle settings such as being visible.

The one lack that the app currently has is that it neither supports Skype nor has it file sharing, just plain chatting. However Meebo is quite fast in delivering messages. It's designated for iphone and ipod touch and requires iphone OS 3.0 or later.

The app is free of charge and you can download it at the iTunes App store.

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