Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Custom Hangman Looses the Noose... but Gains the Plank

Let's go back momentarily to the childhood. Don't you want to avow yourselves that you've played Hangman at least once hanging on the noose or hanging others? This game really made our grey cells come into motion. I'd still play this game between this and then, just for wasting my times or spending it with children or just for the sake of getting onetime childish excitement.

You can get back this feeling just by keeping in your iphone the app Custom Hangman developed by Collins Research, Inc. Yes, I know there are several apps of the same character but Custom Hangman is a bit different due to its customizable features.

The game contains a great variety of categories to choose. If you still are not satisfied with the given categories you can find out and download much more from web. Moreover you can create your own from scratch and share your rich custom word lists with others. But this time losers should expect shark bites, not nooses. If you don't like the given word you can simply go to the next one by "skip" button and check your scores to see what number you've reached.

The game's really amusing and who knows maybe your free time will not be enough to play it. The game costs $0.99 and is available HERE!!!

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