Thursday, September 4, 2008

SugarSync: An Alternative To MobileMe

If you are having problems with MobileMe for syncing data, now you don’t have to worry anymore as SugarSync, made by Sharpcast, will help you to solve all that problems.

It helps you organize your data and does not cost heavily on your pocket. This app made by Sharpcast is an Internet service customized for your iPhone. It backs your media files while you are online and it later syncs your data to all your devices, PC, Mac and your iPhone.

You can share and view your PDF, Word, Excel and power point files and also have the joy of sharing your photo collection. The push sync technology enables you to save the changes you made on your Mac instantaneously on your iPod touch and iPhone.

You can download the app for free, however a yearly fee or monthly fee will be charged for the services rendered. It can range anywhere between $25 to $250 a year.

SugarSync, launched in March of 2008 to rave reviews and is available direct to consumer. SugarSync is built on Sharpcast Universal Sync Platform which is also available for license by Wireless Carriers, Internet Service Providers, and Device Manufacturers.


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