Wednesday, July 2, 2008

56% Of Smartphone Consumers Are Potential Buyers Of iPhone 3G

According to the RBC Capital Markets survey the majority of customers who are looking to purchase a smartphone in the next 90 days, iPhone was chosen by 56% of 3600 members of the Technology Adoption Panel.

The survey showed that only 23% of smartphone buyers were waiting it out for a new BlackBerry handset in the next 90 days. Palm limped in with a 3% planned buying-share. HTC, Nokia, and Samsung managed to swing 2% of the votes their way, while Motorola barely managed to convince 1% of respondents that theirs was the Smartphone to own.

The lower price-point and faster 3G data access were indicated as the most compelling reasons to buy the Apple handset, with 67% and 63% of survey respondents indicating such aspects as most-important in their buying-decision. The addition of GPS was listed as most-important to 47% of survey participants. Enterprise e-mail was a strong selling feature for 35%, while 20% were interested in third-party applications.

P.S. So, it seems that iPhone 3G is set to take the US smartphone market by storm.


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