Monday, October 10, 2011

Four Ses of iPhone 4S

Speed- The most noteworthy specification amendment to the iPhone 4S from its forerunner is the bump to Apple's A5 processor, which presently inhabits the slim encasing of the iPad 2. As such, we can get a sense of the speed and battery life advantages by paralleling the original iPad to its sequel. While it has definitely resulted in a snappier experience and enabled creators to do new things by employing a superior graphics engine in their apps, it hasn't really made an ultimate difference yet. Conceivably the best reason to opt for the iPhone 4S's faster processor is that it should help run future versions of iOS better, as was the case for the 3GS.

Sprint- In several ways, the overview of the iPhone 4S was about escalating the iOS base. While there was no prepaid iPhone message, Apple did present the iPhone on Sprint, one of the major players in prepaid. At a Sprint event on Friday, the #3 carrier noted that the lack of an iPhone was the #1 reason for leaving the carrier, so having the iPhone and iPhone 4S presented to these customers for the first time should strengthen Apple's market share. 

Shooting- The iPhone 4S smashes the resolution of its digital stills from 5 megapixels to 8 megapixels (available in reasonable cameras even at the launch of the iPhone 4) and its HD video capture resolution from 720p to 1080p. Apple mainly talked up the photos during the overview. The improvement -- principally in conjunction with the speedy shot time and home screen camera launching feature of iOS 5 -- lasts the new emphasis on imaging that Switched On discussed when the iPhone 4 launched. Indeed, there are now a host of add-on lenses created for the iPhone 4 that should work well with the iPhone 4S's matching body.

Siri- The showstopper of the iPhone 4S introduction, it wasn't any news that Apple had acquired Siri, but the software has evidently come a long way since Apple bought it and is combined into core functions of the handset as well as Wolfram Alpha for getting responses directly from the internet. While there was no declaration of the long-rumored new mapping app from Apple this week, Siri however signifies Apple further proclaiming its online liberation from Google in avoiding its lists of links.

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