Monday, July 18, 2011

iOS 4.3.4 Update Preventing Hacking & Jailbreaking

A software update has been released by Apple for the majority of its devices, including the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 2, iPad and generation 3 and 4 of iPod touch. Available now by plugging it into iTunes, it’ll bring your device to version 4.3.4.
The update is free and fixes a vulnerability of the PDF hacking, with which a malicious PDF file could sneak malware into your iOS device, giving hackers access to your hardware. Moreover, the same PDF file allows easy jailbreaking of iOS 4.3.3, which frees users from the strict constraints Apple sets for its iOS software. Apple definitely sought to stop that as hastily as possible.

It doesn’t take a lot of time to install the update if you backup your iPhone on a regular basis. Having tries it on our devices; there are no significant changes in system operations after the update download. 

Anyway, it’s a wonderful feeling when you recognize that your iPhone is no longer bound by the quirks of some nasty PDF files!

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