Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Apple App Store Announces 15 Billion Downloads

Since its launch in July 2008, Apple’s App Store hasgenerated 15 billion app downloads, according to Apple.

The store is the biggest in the world, offering more than 425,000apps. Note that 100 000 of the total amount are developed exclusively for iPad!

Apple has remunerated creators more than $2.5 billion so far.Assumed Apple’s 30/70 proceeds splitting with the developers, we can estimatethat Apple itself has acquired more than $1 billion revenue straight from appsales.

In January 2010, the App Store exceeded 3 billiondownloads, and in January 2011, Apple declared that the App Store reached up to10 billion downloads. In only six months apple managed to increase the amountdownloads with 5 billion! If this trend continues unchanged, the smartphonegiant will score all the possible records!

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