Thursday, June 30, 2011

iPhone 4th Anniversary Today!

Via Mashable.Com
We all are different, with different needs, from different countries, speaking different languages, with different interests.... But we all have one thing in common.... We all Love an iPhone! For already four years, iPhones have changed our lives incredibly, unlocking the anything- anywhere- anytime future and have us locked in! 

Here are some milestones in an iPhone history for you to look back and see how far we've gone since then !!!

Our First Post about an iPhone - Apple offering something innovative!

First iPhone unlocking software review on our blog - a myth ???

iPhone in 1 Million Pockets 74 days after the launch of the device - a sensation of the month!

Double Hit - iPhone enters in UK and Germany at the same time!

iPhone's Euroinvasion! - soon after a simultaneous debut in the UK and Germany, iPhone will be launched in France as well!

First Firmware Update 1.1.1 - Come on, Brick My iPhone!

First iPhone Apps' Directory - more than 200 Web apps organized in different categories (entertainment, games, productivity, etc)

Second Firmware Update 1.1.2expectedly the firmware update will break recently released hacks.

3G iPhone appearing on the horizon - from Apple's perspective, the main issue with the 3G version of the iPhone remains the battery power. 

10 Million 3G iPhones expected to be sold out! - “If Apple was to place an order, then 10 million would be a reasonable number. - says Gartner Research.

iPhones being sold like proverbial "hot cakes" - the mobile device has already topped 4 million but it’s doubtful that the trendy phone will hit its original, lofty sales estimates of 10 million units in a year.

Apple has signed up 200 000 developers for its iPhone - also, the iPhone SDK had been announced to be downloaded 100,000 times. 

iPhone to be #1 Mobile Browsing Device in the US -  worldwide iPhone requests grew 86% month over month to 668 million in December, giving the iPhone a 10.8% share of total requests

iPhone 5 coming after 4 year introduction of an iPhone ? - the world expects iPhone 5 for the end of June or beginning of July as it was for the earlier versions!

So, happy birthday dear iPhone! Wish you long live and success in an ever-changing technology world!

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