Thursday, January 14, 2010

Soccer On - real discovery for soccer communities

A new application developed by Paul Wood Technologies - - is a real discovery and a must have IPhone and IPod Touch application for soccer players, amateurs and all those who somehow might be involved in this exciting game.  This app. is a powerful soccer journal and soccer companion, which keeps you always in course of all possible events of the game and prevents you from missing the game.
By this app you can collect all the data you need about soccer including stats, photos, and you can even make notes about the game. The app. will group all the collected data by seasons and games. All the information about season record, goals, assists, saves per game for your team as well as for opponents, location of event and etc. is stored and accessible throughout the season.
The Soccer On app. has an easy roster setup; GPS Tracking mainly for iPhone 3G, 3GS, but available as well for 1st Gen iPhone and iPod touch with limited use; game tacking and reporting and mapping (although mapping is limited for iPod touch as it needs network connection).
The Soccer On costs only $3.99 and can be purchased and downloaded right here.

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