Monday, January 18, 2010

Gorillacam will make your photo memories better

Gorillacam is one of the most prominent iPhone apps released in 2009 by Joby. With this app your picture quality is quite improved. Especially when you use it together with Gorillamobile for iPhone 3G you can position your iPhone almost everywhere.

Besides it possesses unlimited rapid-fire that means that you can take fast unlimited photos up to 1.6 frames per second just pressing and holding the button to take enormously many photos at super speed. That’s quite convenient to catch and fix the rarest moments quickly.

Self-Timer – is the perfect feature when gathering and taking a group.  You have up to 90 second to get the best position before the cam after you hit the button. Plus the 3-shot-burst takes three quick photos in a rapid succession.  So you have less risk for unsuccessful photos.

Time-lapse can snap photos as fast as 1 second apart, or up to 2 minutes apart.  It is a good feature for making a slideshow of an event or some happening.

You can also turn on the feature “Press Anywhere” and take photos by only touching the screen anywhere. Bubble Level and Grid over lay are also remarkable for creating more interesting photos with rule of thirds in your composition and working in vertical as well as in horizontal orientation.

Thus this app can make your photography an interesting and exciting activity.  It’s available for FREE in the iPhone App Store.

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