Friday, August 28, 2009

Tap Your iPhone for Tapas

Last summer I attended the Formula 1 Grand Pix of Europe in Valencia and spent a spectacular summer vacation in Spain. Before visiting new places, I have a habit of learning local cuisine. Spanish cuisine is quite rich. Unfortunately, I did not have much time for looking up interesting Spanish dishes. I wish, I just wish, I've had this iPhone application called Tapas Recipes.

However, don't let the name of the application mislead you. Tapas (appetizer / snack) Recipes contains snacks, traditional dishes, fish dishes and desserts as well. You not only get a brief description with a nice photo, but can see the list of ingredients and the preparation instructions as well.

Tapas Recipes does not require an Internet connection. Thus, you can look up tapas even if you don't have access to the Internet.

The application's main screen is organized in four categories: Tapas and Starters, Traditional Dishes, Spanish fish recipes and Spanish desserts. Click any of the category items and you get an alphabetically sorted list of recipes.
The recipe screen is very well organized. The first screen shows a brief Description along with a photo. It must be noted that the photos are of a very good quality. The second screen shows Ingredients required for a particular recipe and the third screen shows Preparation. You can easily switch between these screens.

As the developer mentions, future releases will contain even more recipes.

Download Tapas Recipes now:

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