Sunday, April 12, 2009

$13,000 Apple Goodies for a Lucky Customer

Apple is celebrating the billionth download from the App Store in a special way. Yes, there will be a prize valued at over $13,000 for one lucky customer. Namely, the prize consists of a $10,000 iTunes Gift Card, an iPod touch, a Time Capsule, and a MacBook Pro.

Downloading a new app via your computer, iPhone or iPod touch is what you need to to do to participate. If you don't own an iPhone or iPod touch, you can still participate in the promotion by completely filling out an alternative form.

As you can see the App Store is a huge success. The following figures vividly illustrate this. As of today, over 5 million applications are downloaded from the App Store every day. This is up from a rate of 4.76 million applications per day in January and 2.2 million in December. Thus, it's not a surprise that the half a billion milestone was reached on January 16th and after about three months we are talking about the the billionth download.

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