Wednesday, May 28, 2008

IPhone in PSP Style

If you are gamer and your IPhone is not similar with PSP this new invention is exactly for you. The iControlPad - The peripheral enables your iPhone to be in a casing that allows for a PSP like feel. It adds physical buttons to the iPhone for the purpose of playing games. The iControlPad will be providing full SDK support, and also source code so developers can get their games to work with the unit.

To make your peripheral work you have to connect it to the iPhone’s dock. According to the designer, support for the iControlPad is already built in to most of the game emulators, and they are sending out more units to try to get more universal support. The device will have to get around one problem though; the SDK does not allow unprejudiced access to the dock connector.

The device as of now is in its prototype stage. They promise that the final version of the unit will be “much more sleek and fitting”.

It’s indirect concurrent for PSP but owner feels better.


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