Friday, February 1, 2008

O2 To Boost Business By Slashing The Costs Of iPhone

With all the coverage about Apple ‘allegedly’ gagging its UK partners from not revealing poor iPhone sales figures, it’s not surprising to see that O2 is hoping to boost business by slashing the cost of running Apple’s stylish device.

O2 has taken the wraps off a new tariff structure that will apply to new users and – get this – existing customer too. How generous. Either that or they’re merely sidestepping the media shit-storm that would ensue if they ignored those ever-faithful early adopters.

Entry-level £35 per month owners now get their call allowance tripled to 600 minutes and texts boosted to 500 minutes. Those paying £45 now get the £55 package with 1,200 minutes of calls and 500 monthly texts. The £55 per month package is being replaced by an uber-caller £75 per month package for 3,000 minutes of calls and 500 texts.

Here’s the official statement and details:

*Existing £35 iPhone customers

We will be automatically upgrading you to the new £35 iPhone tariff which offers you 600 anytime minutes and 500 anytime texts a month. You will also continue to receive unlimited* UK data. All of this will be done for you without you having to do a thing and we'll text you to let you know when it's been done.

* Existing £45 iPhone customers

We will be automatically upgrading you to the new £45 iPhone tariff which offers you 1,200 anytime minutes and 500 anytime texts a month. You will also continue to receive unlimited* UK data.

*Existing £55 iPhone customers

We will be reducing the price of your 1,200 anytime minute iPhone tariff from £55 to £45. You will continue to get 500 anytime texts and unlimited* UK data at this new price.

The deal with The Cloud for free Wi-Fi and unlimited data use remains unchanged. Smart move, but will it boost sales?

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