Thursday, August 4, 2011

Latest iPhone Headlines

The title of the post is somewhat general because there is so much news to tell you, don’t really know from where to start.

It would be fair to begin with iCloud and iWork beta versions that have been released recently. Its free with iOS 5 and with iCloud, the music you purchase in iTunes appears automatically on all your devices. You can also download your past iTunes purchases.

Now there also are versions of each iWork app for Mac, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. And they all work together gorgeously. So your documents, spreadsheets, and presentations go wherever you go — on every device you use. This is so convenient and smooth, you can’t even imagine. Note that because is web based, the projects you publish to it can be viewed by anyone using a modern browser.
One more good news - Google + for iPhone is now available for FREE in App Store. Google has already released an update to the Google+ app. For those that are having difficulties, check the App Store and download the latest version. First hollows of the app are that while useful, it’s buggy. The app doesn’t work on iOS 5 beta 3 — so cutting-edge adopters, you’re out of luck (for now) — and is crashing in iOS 4 at regular occurrences for some users.

There are some rumors about iPhone 5 as well – both good and bad. I’ll start with some depraved one- it’s said that the launch of so much awaited iDevice is delayed till October… Who knows, actually…As for positive news- the rumors leaked that the screen of iPhone 5 will be larger, and the device will be thinner than iPhone4. The “thin iPhone” rumors point to a curved back design for the device, which seems somewhat unlikely, given that Apple has switched from such a design to a rectangular, flat back in iPhone 4.

This is all for now, hope I didn't miss anything important. How do you feel about these news? Voice up, your comments are always welcome.

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