Monday, May 9, 2011

Apple is The World’s Most Valuable Brand!

The Apple brand is valued at $153.3 billion dollars, according to the just-released WPP 2011 BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands, the definitive annual study of brand value. Apple’s brand value increased 84 percent last year, according to the study, which is produced by Millward Brown Optimor, a WPP company. The Top 100 overall increased by 17 percent to $2.4 trillion last year.

The Apple brand increased by 959 percent since 2006, when WPP launched the BrandZ Top 100 study. In culminating its remarkable ascent, Apple displaced Google as Number 1 in brand value worldwide. The Apple brand value today is roughly equivalent to the combined value of the Coca Cola and McDonald’s brands.

The BrandZ Top 100 study is based on WPP’s BrandZ database, which contains information from more than 2 million in-depth consumer interviews in 30 countries. This proprietary data is combined with rigorous analysis of financial performance. The brand value quantifies an intangible asset that confers irrefutable credibility as the Apple Corporation pursues its business strategies and innovative leadership.

The results also indicate how Apple and technology in general are reshaping our world, transforming both business practices and the lives of consumers:
  • One-third of the Top 100 Most Valuable Global brands are in technology.
  • Four of the Top 5 Most Valuable Global brands are in technology.
  • Facebook appeared for the first time among the Top 100 at Number 35.
  • Amazon surpassed Walmart as the world’s most valuable retail brand.
For more information click here

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