Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cuban Slang for iOS Out Now For Free

Announcing the availability of Cuban Slang on the App Store created for iOS by Badboi Creations. Cuban Slang is a perfect opportunity to learn Cuban slang. The app comes with 8 slang terms and offers a great fun as you get to learn slang terms from another language.
You have to press the Play button and a real Cuban speaks out the term.
Besides, you can fool your friends with this app. you can call one of your friends and start playing the slang terms from Cuban Slang and you’ll get a lot of laughs out of it.

Device Requirements:
 * iPhone, iPad or iPod touch
 * Requires iOS 3.0 or later (iOS 4.0 Tested)
 * 4.8 MB

Pricing and Availability:

Cuban Slang 1.0 is free and is available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Reference category. The free version of Cuban Slang comes with the option to buy the full version from within the app for $0.99 and it will automatically unlock the over 85 slang terms that the full version has, or you can also purchase Cuban Slang Full from the app store for $0.99 and get the over 85 slang terms instantly.

For more information click here

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