Monday, June 14, 2010

Mice Heist is the best game for your iPhone!

Announcing the release of new reckless game Mice Heist 1.0. for iPhone and iPod touch. Mice Heist 1.0 has been just developed by Trickshot Games and is available worldwide.
The gameplay is a battle between the player and a horde of hungry mice trying to steal the users cache of cheese.
For one sight the game seems simple but during the action you’ll find difficulties step by step as the mice have a few tricks up their sleeves! You have to prevent your stock of cheese by tapping the rodents as fast as you can and send them running before they get close to the cheese. But the mice are smart, they’ll dodge the taps or zip around in one minute. Besides they’ll be trying to distract your attention by several tricks so watch out!
Game will be in 4 different surroundings, each loaded with mice longing for a piece of cheese. With each level the rodents addiction for their delicious food increases and as well as the
danger for your stock and note that the time is limited. You have to mobilize all your forces to handle these ruthless mice! In case of exhausting all your forces in this brave battle against the horde of hungry mice you’ll be given an additional move- “Cat Paw”. “Cat Paw” button enables you to summon a cat, that will will scare all the mice away.

Feature Highlights:
 Several uniquely different mice including ninjas, robots, cheerleaders, samurais and more
 The Cat Paw, which summons a trusted feline friend to stem the onslaught, and bring the lolz
 Three difficulty modes: Light, Medium, and Aged Cheddar
 Four different stage types
 Ever increasing challenge
 Future updates with more mice, more stages, and more fun
 Openfeint enabled, with high scores, and achievements

Device Requirements:
 iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
 Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later
 9.5 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Mice Heist 1.0 is only $0.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.

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