Thursday, April 24, 2008

AT&T Profits Rose Mainly By iPhone Sales

AT&T the largest communications holding company in the world (by revenue) has unveiled their quarterly results. Their first quarter results rose by 22%. According to AT&T such profits were in part driven by gains in its wireless business. And of course the main reason of it is the iPhone, which doubled the average revenue per subscriber that AT&T gets from other wireless customers.

The company said it gained 1.3 million net wireless subscribers for the quarter, the majority of which were new iPhone subscribers.

AT&T announced that net income jumped to $3.46 billion, or 57 cents a share, from $2.85 billion, or 45 cents, a year earlier.

AT&T didn’t break out the numbers of iPhone additions as earlier. The number could still be around 1.5 million because other carriers besides AT&T are selling it internationally, and about 30 percent are unlocked. By the end of last year, AT&T had activated two million iPhones. Here are the iPhone details AT&T provided:

iPhone continues to be very popular with customers, feedback is very good. ARPUs are in the mid to upper 90s across the base. We continue to see customers adopting iPhone. Over 40% are new to us. Continued, solid growth. Through Q1 stable.


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