Saturday, December 29, 2007

Leaked iPhone Firmware 1.1.3

I can't believe to it. GearLive has somehow obtained 1.1.3 firmware updatefor iPhone. Visiting their site makes no sense. The site is simply dead. Yeah, too many visitors.

You cannot say that there are any surprising updates. According to GearLive, the new features are:

1. The ability to send an SMS message to multiple people - no need for third party app anymore!

2. Google Maps application can now pinpoint your location using cell tower triangulation - yeah sort of pseudo-GPS.

3. Google Maps can now display the Hybrid map view

4. You can now drag and drop application icons on your home screen - this is really cool.

5. The home screen supports pagination - very nice function.

6. You can now add web bookmarks to your home screen - I think this is one of the coolest enhancements.

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