Monday, August 6, 2007

The Latest iPone News

What makes iPhone different from other gadgets (kill me but I can't call iPhone a cell phone, it's really more than just the next cell phone) is that like the iPod, it can be easily updated by Apple with new features and bug fixes. Every time you plug your iPhone into your computer, updates, if there are any, are automatically downloaded into the phone. So, Apple was quick enough to issue the first update. Not only did the update fix a number of issues, but added some minor but interesting new features to the phone. You can find more details about the new features at Walt Mossboerg's blog.

Do you love your iPhone? I bet you do, who doesn't? Do you have a story to share about it? I bet you do, you must have one. That is why Apple has setup a special page where you can share your story about your iPhone experience with the rest of the world.

While you are enjoying your miracle gadget, some folks "work" hard to unlock iPhone. It looks like they are one step closer to their aim. Unlocking iPhone is inevitable, it is just a matter of time. Apple and AT&T may of course introduce additional security measures but the iPhone Dev Team will be a step ahead. Why should not you be able to use iPhone with other carriers? Do you have an answer? Dare to share it with us? Very good. Post them in the comments.

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