Monday, July 16, 2007

Leaflets - Mobile Web 2.0 Application Portal for iPhone

As expected, Web 2.0 applications for iPhone have started to emerge rapidly. Leaflets, a new mobile portal providing free Web 2.0 applications optimized for modern "Mobile 2.0" phones and handheld devices, beginning with Apple's iPhone.

Leaflets are small, mobile web-based applications you access from Safari on your iPhone. And since Leaflets are designed to run fast over AT&T's EDGE network, you can use them anywhere: no wi-fi required.
The portal already provides a number of cool and interesting applications (or how the developers call them Leaflets). For example, the Search Leaflet allows you to search Google, Yahoo, MSN and Wikpedia. The Feeds Leaflet gives you an opportunity to catch up with your favorite RSS and Atom feeds on the go. With the Leaflet you can access your bookmarks and browse the most popular sites. And the Flickr Leaflet saves your precious iPhone memory and allows you to view Flickr photos faster. There is more already and even more to come in the future. So if you are a lucky owner of iPhone, check out Leaflets right away and enjoy your mobile friend.

This post has been featured on BLOGVASION.COM

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